Introducing Simple Client Dashboard: A New Limited Admin Role for WordPress Clients

Introducing Simple Client Dashboard: A New Limited Admin Role for WordPress Clients

WordPress User Roles As We Know Them WordPress User Roles are fundamental in defining the permissions and responsibilities of individuals on a website. The Administrator role holds the highest authority; Editors manage content, Authors contribute posts, etc. However, the default roles often fall short when dealing with clients who can inadvertently cause chaos on a…

Introducing UpdateLens: A New Era of Update Analysis

Introducing UpdateLens: A New Era of Update Analysis

Updating plugins is essential for the functionality and security of WordPress sites. Yet it is a time-consuming process, filled with uncertainty. Any site admin, facing that persistent red notification on their wp-admin dashboard, is probably wondering: (That’s just the tip of the iceberg, question-wise.) Multiply these questions and the accompanying headache manifold if you are…

New Analytical Features in WP Remote Reports

New Analytical Features in WP Remote Reports

We are excited to introduce two significant feature updates to reports in WP Remote that are designed to enhance your experience with advanced analytics and uptime tracking. These updates are in line with our constant endeavour to improve our reporting feature. They simplify the process of monitoring website performance and user engagement for you and…

Introducing CronSafe: Defense Against WordPress Reinfestation

Introducing CronSafe: Defense Against WordPress Reinfestation

Cron jobs are scheduled tasks that automate repetitive actions on a WordPress site. They are an integral component of maintaining your WordPress site’s health, and managing scheduled posts, updates, and backups. Unfortunately, they’ve also become a vulnerable target for exploitation. Hackers are known to inject malicious code into vital cron jobs. When these jobs execute…

New: Instant WordPress Admin Login and Enhanced Search

New: Instant WordPress Admin Login and Enhanced Search

We have updated our dashboard with new features that enhance the ease and speed of managing WordPress sites. The latest improvements include a one-click login to the WordPress Admin from the Site Listing Page and an upgraded search functionality for more accurate and forgiving site retrieval. One-Click Admin Access Simplifying your workflow, the new one-click…

Introducing 2FA Visibility on WP Remote: Enhance Your Team’s Security

Introducing 2FA Visibility on WP Remote: Enhance Your Team’s Security

WP Remote is committed to providing a secure environment for managing WordPress sites. In line with this commitment, we are excited to introduce a new feature that enhances security oversight: Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Visibility for collaborators. Understanding the 2FA Visibility Feature The 2FA Visibility feature allows WP Remote administrators to quickly verify if collaborators have…

GA4 Integration on Your WP Remote Dashboard

GA4 Integration on Your WP Remote Dashboard

From 1st July, 2023, Google Analytics will be ending support for their Universal Analytics (UA) properties, and moving to GA4 completely. The Google Analytics widget on your WP Remote dashboard already supports GA4, and we strongly recommend you update these settings now for a seamless experience. The analytics data is integrated into client reports as…

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